Oghere nke ihe ngosi nke foto “Afọ ise nke asọmpi zuru ụwa ọnụ nzukọ – Okwukwe na-ekwesị ntụkwasị obi nke ụwa”

Anyị ji obi ụtọ na-akpọ gị ka oghere nke ihe ngosi nke foto “Afọ ise nke asọmpi zuru ụwa ọnụ nzukọ – Okwukwe na-ekwesị ntụkwasị obi nke ụwa”, họrọ foto ọrụ.

30 July 2015 r., h. 17:00
Ihe ngosi na-agba ọsọ ruo mgbe 22 August 2015 r. Free n'ọnụ ụzọ

Lee na- Polish House na Vilnius

Zapraszamy do odwiedzenia wystawy i spotkania się z organizatorami,którzy przyjadą z Polski na wernisażu w dniu 30 July 2015 r na 17,00. Wystawa zostanie otwarta w Galerii Domu Kultury Polskiej, ulica Naugarduko 76, Vilnius – Litwa

We invite you to visit the exhibition and meetings with the organizers, who will come from Polish at the opening on July 30, 2015 at 5 pm.
We also invite you to read the text of the photographic exhibition in Polish, English, German and Frenchlanguage just click on the link.
The exhibition will be opened in the Gallery of Polish Culture House, Naugarduko Str. 76, Vilnius – Lithuania

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