2 maja 2023 r., godz. 17.00 w Muzeum Przyrodniczym w Jeleniej Górze (ul. Cieplicka 11A, 58-560 Jelenia Góra) zostanie otwarta wystawa japońskiego fotografika Masahiro Hiroike.
[English version below]

Wystawa zostanie otwarta przez autora Masahiro Hiroike, Adama Łaciuka Dyrektora Muzeum Przyrodniczego w Jeleniej Górze i Zbigniewa Stokłosę Prezesa Dolnośląskiego Stowarzyszenia Artystów Fotografików i Twórców Audiowizualnych. Podczas wernisażu wystąpi japońska piosenkarka Nilo, mieszkająca w Monachium a z Londynu przyjedzie i wyrecytuje trzy wiersze o fotografii, polska artystka mieszkająca w Wielkiej Brytanii dr Ewa Iwan-Chuchla.

Masahiro Hiroike urodził się w 1962 roku w Tottori w Japonii. Jest inżynierem systemów i fotografem. Zaczął robić zdjęcia na poważnie, ponieważ opracował szereg programów do wyświetlania zdjęć w pokazach slajdów. Lubi podróżować i jeździ samochodem po Japonii. Wspina się także w japońskich Alpach. Koncentruje się na naturze, w tym na górach, wodospadach, kwiatach, ptakach i zwierzętach.
2015 Fujifilm Photo Contest Excellence
2015 Olympus Open Photo Contest 2014
Grand Prix 2015
2017 Specjalność konkursu fotograficznego Nikkor
National Geographic Best of August 2017
2019 National Geographic Zdjęcie dnia, 05 kwietnia 2019 r.
2020 Profesjonalny finalista Sony World Photography Awards
I invite you to the ceremonial opening of the photographic exhibition of the Japanese, who will personally open his exhibition at the Natural History Museum in Jelenia Góra – Cieplice, Cieplicka 11 A Street. The author of the exhibition will fly from Japan. Come to the opening of this excellent exhibition – you are much closer to the city of Jelenia Góra – Cieplice, Poland than the author of the exhibition. By the way, you will see the wonderful Natural History Museum, which in my opinion is the best in the world. Exhibition organizer and curator: Zbigniew Stokłosa – president of The World Photographic and Audiovisual Artists Association – artist photographer, www.obscuraphoto.eu www dsafita.pl The World Photographic and Audiovisual Artists Association is based in Wrocław – Poland at Włodkowica 31/4a, 1 – first floor where there is also a photo gallery. Correspondence address of the Association: The World Photographic and Audiovisual Artists Association, P. O. box. 856 50 – 000 Wroclaw – 68, Poland. The World Photographic and Audiovisual Artists Association celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. If you want to participate in the jubilee exhibition, write to the Association. If you want the Association to organize your own exhibition, write to the Association. Write to the postal address or e-mail: stowarzyszenie.dsafita@gmail.com
Opening of the exhibition “Japan” photos by Masahiro Hiroike. May 2, 2023, at 17.00
The exhibition will be opened by the author Masahiro Hiroike, Adam Łaciuk, Director of the Natural History Museum in Jelenia Góra, and Zbigniew Stokłosa, President of the World Photographic and Audiovisual Artists Association . During the vernissage, a Japanese singer Nilo, living in Munich, will perform, and Dr. Ewa Iwan-Chuchla, a Polish artist living in Great Britain, will come and recite three poems about photography from London.
Masahiro Hiroike was born in 1962 in Tottori, Japan. He is a systems engineer and photographer. He started taking photos seriously as he developed a number of programs to display photos in slideshows. He likes traveling and driving around Japan. He also climbs in the Japanese Alps. It focuses on nature, including mountains, waterfalls, flowers, birds and animals.
2015 Fujifilm Photo Contest Excellence
2015 Olympus Open Photo Contest 2014
Grand Prix 2015
2017 Specialty of the Nikkor photo competition
National Geographic Best of August 2017
2019 National Geographic Photo of the Day, April 05, 2019
2020 Professional finalist of the Sony World Photography Awards
Institution of Culture of Jelenia Góra Local Government